this is to help each individual know what kind of method they are using in understanding both temporal and the unseen things. this would give them a big help for having the opportunity to learn and grow more not only in temporal but also spiritual.
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Lunes, Hunyo 9, 2014
Four method of understanding by Robert T. Sumalpong
Four method of understanding
Understanding is the source of all wealth
Robert T. Sumalpong
Our way of success depends on our method of understanding we used. Either it is on psychological which bases are on the five senses or more on physical facts. Or in emotional understanding which focuses on our emotion. Or in spiritual understanding which bases is inner personality and supremacy of each human being. Or in deep understanding which is the wisdom of the three method of understanding which comprehended the design of supreme creator and both to the life of living and non-living things.
This book is written upon my inspiration that someday these would help the readers for better understanding of life, the world, spiritual things and humanity.
In my existence in life I been observing and researching for answer on how to help my fellowmen and to give return to God and the world that we are living in.
I always ask question to myself. Why there is chaos in life? And how this will be prevented? Then I came to a realization that everyone in this world has his/her different method of understanding the life and the world.
I am thankful to my family, friends and to the people I’ve meet. Because of them I recognize the four method of understanding and put it into writings.
I hope that someday this book will be a tool for each family, leaders and individuals for increasing their love, peace and comprehension on the things that happening
Four methods of understanding is an inspired book. Probably this will inspired the readers to read and learn more for their own progress. This is based on my observation, experience, research and knowledge.
As an observer I learned that the greater wisdom we have the greater happiness we can attain. And the more heavily our challenges the bigger knowledge we could learn. Our wisdom influences our judgment. These are the things direct us on how we handle our life. And the way we act. And communicate to other people.
Any account of this book is in my full accountability.
Now consider pondering why understanding is the most important things we must know to keep us have successful lives, both temporal and spiritual life? In many situations I observed that understanding is the key of each person to excel in their field either in work or business.
We are put in this world to learn and to grow as individual. And part of the learning we are going to encounter in this world is communication. Communication is a systematical procedure of learning it creates a life reaction between the listener, reader, speaker and observer. We as human need each other for a better life. Life will be colored only through understanding each person, happening and environment. Problems are created because of misunderstanding the things that happening to our surrounding.
This is one thing why we need to learn the four methods of understanding. Because this is part of the growth we are going to have as individual. Growth depends on how we manage our learning, knowledge and wisdom on a certain product or ideas.
This is some quotation that came to my mind. “The more knowledge we acquire the greater understanding we have in this life, in the world and the world to come.” Close quote.
When I was a missionary in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the year 2007 to 2009 I came to understand the dealings of God for his children. Since 2007 as I arrived at the Missionary Training Center in Manila. I feel so much happiness and it continues until at my last day in my mission. Many trials, challenging times and joyful moment I experience. I learned the four aspect of happiness in life when I was in the mission field as a missionary. This will be mention on the chapter of this book.
This method of understanding is very helpful to everyone. These methods determine what method each person use for his/her ways of understanding thing surrounding him or her. To understand the four methods first we must understand our own self.
Now I will tell the four methods what are this.
The methods of understanding we usually used in life are
• Psychological method of understanding
• Emotional method of understanding
• spiritual method of understanding
• deep method of understanding
Table of Content
Psychological method of understanding………………Chapter 1
Psychological happiness
Emotional method of understanding…………………Chapter 2
Friction of emotion
Motion of reaction
Passionate reaction
Physical reaction
Emotional happiness
Spiritual Method of Understanding…………………chapter 3
Literal understanding of the scripture
Doctrinal understanding of the scripture
How inspiration comes
Light of Christ
Holy Ghost
Pure mind
Mental happiness
Spiritual happiness
Deep Method of Understanding……………………chapter 4
Applied knowledge of psychological understanding
Applied knowledge of emotional understanding
Applied knowledge of spiritual understanding
How wisdom works
Method of
Psychological understanding is a communication that deals on physical observation of things. It is based on physical evidence of facts. Communication is nothing without psychological understanding. It gives life to communication. Most us uses this way of understanding to understand our fellowmen, family, world and the things happening to us.
How I recognize this method of understanding?
Since of my childhood, I've been using this method because this is the way the world communicates to us, the community and the school works in this way of understanding. When I was studying I recognized that everything in the school that is I studying is based on the physical facts and the works of others. I study as the best I could so that I could get a good grades. And the teachers are giving me the right grades base on the result I given to them by the examination. That is one of the truth I learned in life that our understanding will be based on our learning we acquire. Yes! I accept the fact that most people who are successful in temporal things are those who use this method brilliantly. Who study hard to get their first reward thing in life?
As I grow up, I meet children in the street who are unfortunately did not go to school because of financial problem. Then I observe and communicate with them in the best I could. Asking them for something that will determine, if still they are using this type of method on understanding the picture I shown to them. I give them some tricks of card and observe them how they deal with it. Then I see their amusement of the tricks I did for them. Then I came to realization that they are also using this type of method for understanding things.
My third observation is done on the three to six month old infant. I observe their reaction on the things I show to them. And the things they touch. Most of them have the same reaction on the things I showed to them and the things they touch. Then I came to a question “what is the thing that drives us to use this kind of method in understanding?” And the answered came in my research and observation. It is the “SENSESATORY SYSTEM” or base on the physical things we seen.
Sensesatory System
"SENSESATORY SYSTEM" Is the system used by communication. This system is used in communicating physical or temporal things which is seen by our eyes. This system helps us understand the things in its present state. This is the system trigger the mind to understand psychologically. This is the system who is responsible of gathering information in the brain and make a person react upon his way of using it.
In my almost twenty nine years of existing in this world i been studying the working of mind. How my mind and other people react on certain things they've seen, heard and read? And this brings me to the theory on how minds work. And what is the thing force the mind for Understanding? And this is the creation of sensesatory system theory of mine.
Sensesatory is a cell which is capable of understanding the things we understood through our senses. In my years of studying how understanding comes from I discover these things which are the base of all psychological understanding. Many times this explain me well how the natural minds works for understanding.
(Things multiplied by distance=motion)
(Motion divide by width plus size= perspective)
(Perspective multiplied by communication= understanding)
Observatory process of understanding it is the way how we understand the things we observe. This process is used also in communication. It helps the listener and the speaker to have a better understanding of the topic they are discussing of. Observatory is a process were the listener is the observer while the speaker is the one that being observe of. This is the way used of people who understand things in psychological understanding. This is the procedure on how the observatory process of understanding works. Observing the procedure of the things happened...... observing work through our focus mind. Focus mind means concentrating on the things we study. And for the things we work on. Most of us work as traditional work. Sometimes our work becomes our habit. And this causes the in-progressiveness of each person. When we use this system of understanding we must understand that we want and what to progress in life. Progressive behavior does this system to their lives.
Observatory is a process in which our understanding is formulated. Everything in this world is observatory which gives us more learning in temporal things. Life was been observe by science and religion that form our lifestyle. This world has lot of thing to be observing either non-living things or living things.
Being on the top of the mountain is a relieving moment to others while for some is a successful moment. To see the reaction of the statement stated we seen the two kinds of person. It is relieving moment for the other person because he wants to inhale fresh air, and to see the beautiful view from the top of the mountain. While to other person is a successful moment because he takes it as a challenge in climbing into the top of it. These two kinds of person have different perspective in climbing the mountain. But they have the same goal which is to reach on the top of the mountain. This represent that every one of us has different way of observatory process. But we have the same goal which is to understand. And to understand is to communicate. Being in communication there is a knowledge gain.
We are the living organism that has higher way of thinking. In most time we neglect the opportunity to practice this process of understanding. We are used to learn the old way of learning which is already pattern by other people. Even simple heat of the body must be used in this process. We are not put in this life just to learn the worldly pattern way of learning. This observatory process is most use to understand in both temporal and spiritual matters.
Why observatory process is essential in understanding?
Although things in this world are created in the hands of the one who is supreme in the universe. We came here to recognize and to learn the design he used. And part of that design he used is observatory. Just try to look your surroundings and the people around you. You will realize how beautiful it is and how are they essential in helping us to build our personality or how it affects our whole being. You might said to yourself that this things so difficult to define. But it is the way how you observe the things around you. Many years I meet someone who is so essential to my understanding. And that is my family, friends, and the people I work with. As I work with my own understanding of temporal things. I recognize that some things are missing. And that is the observatory process. Which help me to better understand the way world deal the things happened in this time? Many turn to work in the way they are instructed of. While there are some who love to work in their own way. This explains to me that everyone has their own way of learning things. Everyone in this world needs each other to grow and that’s the observatory process become essential in understanding things. This process is used by psychological understanding.
How observatory process of understanding works?
Observatory process work by the way we set our mind in understanding. This is based on the physical facts we seen, heard and read. This always makes understanding have limitation. Because it depends of the thing we’ve seen, heard and read. This is the reason why most children did not open their own way of understanding. This is the way the world used it in observatory process.
Example: try to show some pictures on the children.
o Ask them what they seen?
o Then ask a follow up question what can they say on the picture?
• Then you will recognize how they understand the picture they seen.
• Then ask them to write a story on the picture they have seen.
• This is how the higher way of using observatory process of understanding.
Observatory process of understanding
It is the way how we understand the things we observe. This process is used also in communication. It helps the listener and the speaker to have a better understanding of the topic they are discussing of. Observatory is a process were the listener is the observer while the speaker is the one that being observe of. This is the way used of people who understand things in psychological understanding.
This is the procedure on how the observatory process of understanding works.
Observing the procedure of the things happened...... observing work through our focus mind. Focus mind means concentrating on the things we study. And for the things we work on. Most of us work as traditional work. Sometimes our work becomes our habit. And this causes the in-progressiveness of each person. When we use this system of understanding, we must understand that we want to progress in life. Progressive behavior does this system to their lives. Most people who use this pattern are actually enhancing their way of thinking into a higher level of psychological understanding.
Systematical is used to organized and gather information in order to have a clear understanding in psychological understanding. This is a common concept in which people do in their daily lives in order to learn. We use this for having a greater learning habit. In understanding systematical way of understanding we must learn to organize our self-first. Systematical way of understanding is a process learned by personal and formal study.
Personal understanding means to understand your own self both inside and the outside part of yourself. Being a student I learned that to understand myself is to understand the perception of others to me. Understanding your inside personality is a way which lead you to a better understanding of people around you. There are many ways in order to better know your own self. This will make you have an idea on what is your best asset in understanding.
As my experience in doing systematic way of understanding gives me a clear comprehension of myself temporally. But often get me into a boring moment. It will fall into habitual way of learning. And sometimes goes into a routine.
This are the pattern used in systematic way of learning.
• Formulating question base on the things you read, heard or seen.
• Pondering for a concept or theory how it will be solve
• Creating experimentation and forming a process or analyzes
• Creating a solution
• Writing the things you learned then it becomes your understanding
Ways on how to know your inner self
• Evaluate your strength and weakness
• Write your strength and weakness
• Determine your study habit
• Write your thought in your note book of journal
• Ask your family or friends if the things you write as your strength and weakness is also the things they’ve seen in you
Ways in how to know you outside being
• Observe your way of speaking or writing
• Ask other how they see you as a person
• Know the way you act in certain problem you encounter
• Look yourself in the mirror then observe what is your best asset outwardly
• Always evaluate yourself daily
• Know your growth you have
. Scientific
Scientific is used in dealing science terminology. This is part of our worldly understanding. And sometimes uses words that are not common to every people. And sometimes makes us to have difficulty of understanding this subject. It is common things to each individual having hard time in understanding scientific term. This way of communication is also part of our learning in understanding the psychological understanding. This deals on calculating, analyzing, anticipation, enumeration and integration of the things we seen, read, and heard.
This is part of psychological understanding because it uses the tool which been used today and before. Yes! I’m thankful for this way of understanding which I learned in school and in my daily life. There are times we used this way of understanding with our family, friends, teachers and work.
Even ordinary individual does this way of understanding. But they do it in simplest way. This way of understanding will train us to become more productive not only in our job or business but also in the way we think. It leads us to critical way of thinking and learning.
How does scientific way of understanding affect our action?
In many years that I observe those people who love science and technology it gives me a brief explanation that this world and lifestyle of most people are reform because of science and technology. Science had played a big role of the way people understand the world and lifestyle. Yes I accept the fact that science helps us to grow in the way we deal in certain problem. But as long as I observe sciences, it gives me an understanding that we base our growth on the new technology we had or new learning we have base on science. Science works for the welfare of human. It also works on the distraction of human. We have many facts how science destroy life and how also save lives. Science is important when it is used properly and understood willfully.
Now I would speak on why I put scientific understanding in psychological understanding. I put it in psychological understanding because we used science in psychological way. We use science base on the facts we study. Yes I agree that because it solves some problem. But sometimes we misused sciences because we did not anticipate the problem that the new technology or the new invention we create when it is not used properly. I appreciate those scientists who just want to invent new product which is needful for creating lives better. Understanding science in psychological understanding will change our outward personality. While understanding science in spiritual understanding will change our inner personality.
As an observer in the people who understand sciences in psychological way it gives me answer that it create certain behavior which make other people into proudest moment. Yes, being a human it really appears when we have success. “The way we manage our success will reflect the way we act on our future situation. “
Now I would clarify why I said that ordinary people do science in simplest way. As I observe everything we do is connected with the scientific procedure. The way we eat is one of the fact that each person done scientific thing. We walk is also a science thing. Sleep and speaking that is science.
Every day the way we deal to each situation that is science. But there is something hidden knowledge we learn from it. It depends on how we observe and do it. “The way we eat, speak will define our health in life.” the more we simplified our way of life. The more we can simplify our way in creating solution on certain problem.
Temporal means temporary it will not last. Temporal understanding in psychological understanding means it is using natural mind. Natural mind is been used in the bible to represent imperfect understanding. Being a human we have this mind and experience failure because we are not perfect yet. To understand natural mind I will specify the behavior represent this kind of mind. We get mad; feel lonely, happy and jealous because of this kind of mind. This mind triggers our emotion to feel those bad feelings. As my youth I learned that this kind of mind I always used. That is reason I react badly in the things I heard, seen and sometimes because of the things I ate. And I know that this is common to each person in this world. And I wrote this because I know this will help them into better understanding of things we heard, seen and ate. Maybe you get confuse what is the difference between the mind creating emotion and emotion creating understanding. These things will be thought when you continue to read this book. But at this moment I will talk on the mind creating emotion. As a human being I experience that most of the time our mind pushes us to have emotion.
When you think on the sad moments you have, you will get into crying or tears came out on your eyes.
This is one of the examples of mind creating emotion.
Practicing yoga is also one of that.
Temporal understanding in psychological understanding is way how our natural mind connects the nature. This also helps us to have better in having greater knowledge of the nature. If we use natural mind in a higher level of psychological understanding we could reach new solution of the present problem we have.
Understanding temporal things will keep as aware of the role each thing that keeps us in good health. Temporal understanding has a big role in the health of each individual. We are given mortal body so that we can learn to grow temporally. Temporal growth is growth which comes by our effort of studying life in our own. Academic learning also affects our way of psychological understanding. The first learning we have in mortal life is emotional learning. As I observe the infants the things they need loves care of their parents. And the parents understand the infants, through psychological understanding. They use psychological action to makes the infants comfortable and secure. There are many facts and evidence that the action of parents in caring infants is based on psychological behavior.
How temporal understanding affects our action?
When we use natural mind in understanding it gives as not to be contented of the thing we accomplish. This will affect our action in way of needing more materials to have and easily get bored of the things we already had in life. This will also lessen our treasuring the things we receive. Although some people perceive life as a blessing, some perceives as test while in some is an opportunity to grow. Try to ponder what your perception of life is. Because this will reflect on the way you deal in your daily happenings. This will also give you a design how you would handle your growth. Many times we get into trouble in our endeavors for growth because we did not really understood how to manage the problem we face, while we are in the process of growth or failure. These three ways of perceiving life will help as on the way of growth we are going to acquire in this life wither in learning or in position we are going to have. Temporal understanding will effects on the way we deal things. It will also affect our choices on our finding happiness. The more you used temporal understanding the lesser happiness you will have. Many times we can say that happiness is a choice but the more you emerge you self in happiness the greater understanding of great happiness you will have. For me happiness is a gift or an attitude. It is an understanding between action and choices. Although most of us will be entertained by funny action or jokes but it does not mean we already in the state of real happiness it is only a temporal moment of enjoyment. Happiness comes from within it simplifies our thought and action. Our thought reflects the way we understand it also leads our temporal understanding into a higher level of understanding. It depends on how we act on the temporal understanding we have on things we had.
What is the role of temporal things to our way of psychological understanding?
Temporal things have affected our action in life. Being a human this is the way we live just to gain happiness. In everyday activity of human needs temporal things. Many facts prove and give evidence to this statement on how temporal things affect our action. We work hard just to have new materials or just to have new gadget. We strive to be the very best just to have a reward from the company or to gain higher responsibility. Most of us work because we need it to live, to improve our lifestyle, to provide for the needs of our family and most of all because this is what our temporal life needs.
One time as i walk in the market and observe the environment i observe that noise is the factor on which our chaos mind begun to manage the things we hear and we start to internalize the sound we heard. This experience help me understood how our minds deals on the noise. I understand that the distance of the person hearing the noise give him a clarification on the sound he heard and the sensesatory motor which is the responsibility is to broaden the sound and make our whole being react on the sound where other senses and cells moves upon on the command of a person’s sensesatory system.
Sensesatory cells are those cells that are capable of bringing information to the entire system of human life and also to the environment. Although sometimes neglect the importance of this system which is organized in our entire body and to the whole of life. Many times this system brings us to the higher level of information on certain things. This will also help us better understood why there is an end of mortality. Although! We communicate through our senses which are the core of reaction in the sensesatory system.
Psychological happiness
In 2007 as I arrive at the Missionary Training center i learned the way of missionary i learned that being missionary I must leave the saviors way of dealing everyone. This help me learned the four kinds of happiness. I learned that psychological happiness is the one of the tool that triggers our motives on how we deal every happiness we wanted to have.
Psychological happiness is the happiness we acquire through the physical things this type of happiness is very essential to our way of success in life. Psychological happiness is the happiness which we have through the temporal things which many of us are still having. We become happy because of the things we seen heard, smell, taste and touch. This type of happiness is cause by our natural mind.
One day in my childhood I was happy because of the gift I receive from my family. These things explained me that we are born in this world to experience the temporal happiness and learn to understand the level of happiness that we could attain in this lives. Psychological happiness is a happiness which is common to everyone this is based on mind commanding the temporal body to react upon its command for enjoyment.
One day in my childhood I was happy because of the gift I receive from my family. These things explained me that we are born in this world to experience the temporal happiness and learn to leave the higher level of happiness. Sometimes we become happy because of the things we seen. Like beautiful places. I wonder before why we become happy because of the beautiful places and the beautiful things we seen. We appreciate for the Gods creation. Then in my mission as a full time missionary of the church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints I learn the four aspects of happiness. Which stated of the table of content of this book? Serving as a missionary I learned many things and one of it is about the psychological happiness. This kind of happiness is triggered by the physical things which obviously seen by our natural eye. It has two types of psychological happiness. The expected happiness and unexpected happiness. These two kinds of psychological happiness are common to everyone.
Expected happiness is a happiness which is set by our mind or it is already our goal to be happy for a certain moments.
Example; we watch comedy movie just because we want to be happy. We go to beautiful places just to refresh our mind and to be in good mode. One time i try to set my mind to be happy so i focus on the positive things that will happened within that day then i end my day positively. Then i realize that happiness can be a discipline of mind and can be set by our own personality.
Unexpected happiness is a surprise happiness it means that we never expected to be happy.
Example; it is a situation which we never expect to be happy we just end up to be in joyful mode. Example we seen new things that make us amazed and become happy.
This kind of happiness never last long. It just happens in a small moment or within a certain time. That is the reason i called it as psychological happiness because our temporal minds cannot uphold long to long time reaction of happiness. Our temporal mind can’t control long moment for making our entire senses to be happy. It needs more understanding to attain the higher level of psychological happiness. It takes time to fully understand the psychological design of our being. The higher psychological happiness we attain the better health we achieve. It is because our immune system well works actively. And when we achieve higher psychological happiness the better management of stress we could have.
Temporal mind
Temporal mind is and organized thought that reacts on physical things which can be communicate by our senses. Which are materialized by our sense of seeing, touch, smell, taste and hearing. In my many years of studying temporal minds its gives me understanding that the source of all chaos and misunderstanding is our temporal mind. These make our world in worse situation. This is also the source of pride, anger, and illness. Although temporal mind has good side which makes as understand the physical working of life. This is also the source of murmuring, stress and failure. In some ways temporal mind setting is also affects our views on what success means to each person. Although the point views of the world on success is about money, wealth and the achievement of each person. Which is also i could tell as temporal mind view.
Temporal mind also affect our views of happiness. In my observation to each person i meet in daily life. It shows that most person acts upon on the temporal mind design. Temporal mind design is a design which our mortal life learned upon on communicating living and non-living things. Temporal mind can’t comprehend the mind of God. The mind of God can be comprehended through our spiritual mind.
Chapter 2
Emotional method of understanding
Emotional method of understanding is an understanding driven through our emotion. These kind of understanding I discovered when I serve as a full time missionary. Being a return missionary I experience many times of this type of understanding. These kinds of understanding broaden our perception of sadness, sacrifice, and enjoyment. Emotional understanding played a big role in our life. Because every action we made is driven by our emotion. “When I serve as a full time missionary it gives me an understanding that some of our emotion comes in an expected way”. Which cause by environmental reaction? An environmental emotion is a reaction of our senses which cause us to become emotionally connected to the things we seen, heard, smell, touch and taste. As I observe my fellow missionaries upon their reaction, when they teach the restored Gospel I observe that some of them are emotionally in tune to the principle of the teaching they teach. And that is my discovery of those things. “I told to myself that I need to better understand how emotion affects our whole being and to the life of others”. Then as I study the Gospel I learned that even the creator of all things has a higher level of emotional understanding. It gives me the assurance that what we experience here in this world will help us better understood why we need emotion. As I continue to observe the emotional design. I learned that emotion has many factors to consider before we experience it. One of it is the senses reaction which is common to every human being. Some emotion comes through the light of Christ and to the Holy Ghost which is rarely come to every human being.
Some called emotion as the chemical reaction causes by our mind command. But as i observe i found out that emotion is created through our senses reaction. We get mad not because of our mind setting but because of the response of our senses detection. We get mad because of what we seen, heard, taste, touch and smell. This is common to every creature. There is two type of emotion positive and negative emotion. Positive emotions are those emotions that bring our self-healthy. Negative emotion brings our self into unhealthy being. Although we experience all these two type of emotion. It gives us learning and brings us more wisdom on how to manage emotion. Being human we are prone in those negative emotions just to open our mind through a higher level of understanding of life. We can’t have a perfect knowledge of pain if we did not experience it. There are three kinds of pain emotional pain, spiritual pain and physical pain. Emotional pain is pain cause by our bad reaction of the things we seen, heard, taste, smell and touch. Our emotion can be controlled through internalized our sensual action or knowing our inner self. All our actions are triggered by our psychological, emotional and spiritual understanding.
Environmental emotion has a very big role in playing our sensational life. In my years of study of environmental emotion it shows that places, people, sounds, events and time has a big effect on why we become happy or sad. And it gives me a clearer understanding on how emotion roles our life. Everything in this world has a connection to our senses. We may neglect the importance of sensitivity of our self to the living and non-living things that surround us. Sensitivity is the word we use to recognize the emotions of others and to the environment. Emotion is an inner movement of our cells that triggered by positive and negative energy. Negative energy comes from frictional reaction of our cells and to the senses. Sometime our senses sense the negative energy of others that cause as to bad mode or cause as to pain. There are three types of pain which is common to everyone which is physical, emotional and spiritual pain. Physical pain is cause by our inappropriate action. Emotional pain is pain that can’t be seen. This is inner pain that cause our inner self to bleed mentally. This pain can create many illnesses to our physical life. Our emotion is the one who drives us wither unto great result of our goal or upon unto failure of achieving the goal. We are born in this world to learn and to grow both temporally and spiritually. And part of that growth we need to have is how to manage our emotion. Managing our emotion is not easy work it need greater focus on observing our reaction on the things that brings us into bad mode. Most of the time we are in the state of anger because of pressure, stress, lack of rest or we are not comfortable of the place or situation we are in. Anger comes because of bad moments we have. And the negative force drives our senses to react negatively. We lost the power of controlling the outcome of our emotion which causes into raising our voices or force as to make some action that not appropriate. This emotional understanding is needed to be experience, to be talk, to be study and to be applied to each person for us to create a better world to live in. Our emotion is a movement of organized microorganism which is connected through the pure energy that causes our whole being to live happily or sadly. There are many tips on how to make our mode into good and better each day. And part of it is to understand how our emotion works and brings our life into colorful moments. As I observe the factors that make positive emotion, I learned that beautiful environment, good atmosphere, good rest, exact time of eating meals and humility to God for his creation that bring us into this wonderful situation. Although we are created in this way just to experience emotions it is a time for learning.
Many times we act upon the command of our senses this is called frictional reaction of our emotion. One time in my mission I move and teach by frictional reaction. This is what happens upon frictional reaction. Frictional reaction is a reaction in which we react upon the things we sense as needed to be done on the right time. We talk upon the things we sense that need to be talk to. Sometimes frictional reaction has a good effect on our life when we understood that the things we sense is need to be answered instantly.
Example; when we sense that we need to drink much water because we lost too much water because of too much workout. Frictional reaction sometimes we called it as human instinct. This reaction is simple and pure it gives as concern to each other and to the environment. This reaction makes us to be more optimistic and lively. Frictional reaction of emotion is not known to everyone but it is experience by most of us. When we are in frictional reaction of emotion our feeling deepens and our minds broaden. We are going to understand the feelings of others and the situation. This reaction on emotion is essential in our growth as human being. These help us to be more mindful to environment and to humanity. As missionary i been led by this type of reaction in answering the concerns of my investigator and it gives a wonderful result to their concerns. These experiences help me to understand fully the design of emotional factor in understanding. These help my way of thinking better than before. Most of us think that emotion is a result of our thinking. Stress is because by too much used of brain in thinking. Or too much pressure in thinking. But emotional stress is cause by too much sadness and too much pain. Sometimes too much pain comes to us because physical pain. Sometimes an emotional pain comes through too much thinking of sadness.
Friction of Emotion
Friction of emotion is one way how emotion works in triggering our understanding. Most study of emotion say that emotion is a chemical reaction of our body. Or it is the reflection of the mind. In my own discovery I can say that emotion is the movement on the senses. Which make living and non-living things to react either positively or negatively? In human, emotion is reactions that create feelings. Sometimes we say that feeling is an emotion but it is not an emotion. It is the result of emotion.
Friction is understood as the two opposite force of energy that comes together and causes heat. Friction of emotion comes in a different way. Friction of emotion comes through internal reaction between the senses and the mind. The senses are monopolizing the brain to react willfully on its command.
Example; when we heard the wonderful beat of music our body moves as the beat registered by our ears. This is one of the example on how our sense of hearing monopolizing the mind to react upon its command.
Friction of emotion is part of humans existing. There are times that friction of emotion gives good credit to humans. And there are times causes humans to do bad things. There are possibilities that emotion can cause unhealthy behavior. This will happen when we did not mindful of our emotional behavior. There are times we can’t control emotion. And these are common to everyone. As we grow we are going to learn to control the reaction of our emotion.
Many times I ride bus in going to work and in going home. Being a passenger I always observe the emotional reaction of other passenger on every situation of the bus. There are times the bus driver drive the bus so fast. And the other passenger reactions are so tense. Others can’t hold there emotion and say to the driver that please drive the bus in normal way. One time I set near at the driver’s seat so that I could observe on the driver and his emotional reaction while driving. And my purpose on observing the driver is how his emotion affects his way of driving the bus. As I observe the driver I realize that his sense of sight, sense of hearing and sense of touch are the things commanding him to work accurately. And when his three senses combined he become so connected to his emotion and causes him to work normally.
Now as I continue to reveal the friction of emotion and his role on life understanding. Our senses have sensesatory motor cells which are responsible on reversing the things that our senses detected. When sensesatory motor cells reverse the things he detected. It will produce friction on emotion. This is part of our distinction as human being. Even non-living things produces emotion to environment. Everything in this world is connected to each other. It helps us to grow and learn the way our divine creator wants us to receive learning and understanding through emotional learning. Most friction of emotion will lead us to better understand, the positive and negative aspect of each connection we have to the environment. There are things that are being hidden in emotional life we have. One of it is the secret on how emotion shape our lifestyle and our decision making.
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